
Wesbank Settlement

Wesbank Settlement

Below is the information on the Wesbank Settlement. You will have to log in to be able to access your settlement.


You can request and print a settlement letter from our website. Visit and register for Account Services. You may also request a settlement via SMS by sending the letter ‘S’ followed by your 11-digit account number to 31329.


How can I check my car loan balance online?

  1. You can visit the official website or app of your lender.
  2. Log in with your credentials.
  3. Enter details like your car loan account number and other details.
  4. And check the status of your car loan balance online.

How to Pay Off Your Car Loan Early

  1. Pay half your monthly payment every two weeks.
  2. Round up.
  3. Make one large extra payment per year.
  4. Make at least one large payment over the term of the loan.
  5. Never skip payments.
  6. Refinance your loan.
  7. Don’t Forget to Check Your Rate.