Standard Bank Student Loan
Studying full or part time? Apply online for pre-approval to fund your education. Only start paying the loan amount when you have completed your studies
How it works
- Tuition and accommodation* are paid to the institution or residence
- Loans are granted for one year of study at a time
- You submit your marks and proof of registration on fulfilment of the loan
- A once-off initiation and monthly service fee are charged on your student loan
- Courses must be accredited by the Department of Higher Education, SAQA, SETA or Umalusi
Studying Full time
- You’ll need someone to sign surety on your loan*
- While you’re studying, your surety pays the monthly interest and service fees
- You start repaying the loan once you’ve finished studying
- If it takes you a while to find a job, you can ask for a grace period
- Grace periods can be extended for articles, internships or community service
- Your loan can be insured, so that any amount owed can be settled in the event of disability, dread disease or death
Studying Part time
- You’ll only need someone to sign surety on your loan if you earn less than R 5 000 a month*
- Monthly repayments are made by debit order while you’re studying
- There are no early settlement penalties
- If you quit your studies, the full outstanding amount is due immediately
- Your loan can be insured, so that any amount owed can be settled in the event of disability, dread disease or death
- You’ll need to be registered at an accredited tertiary institution for a certificate or an under- or post-graduate diploma or degree.
- You’ll also need to provide us with your academic results, so we know you passed the previous year.
- You can apply for immediate provisional approval now through our Youth Applications microsite.