
Rand Merchant Bank Executive Committee

Rand Merchant Bank Executive Committee

At RMB we equate exceptional performance with exceptional people who buy into the RMB principles; the RMB leadership brand, and RMB values. Our culture is the sum of the values and rituals that gives purpose to our lives and every decision we make. The end result is that RMB is a great place to come to work to every day; a place where people are inspired to go the extra mile, a place where everyone feels that they can make a difference to our clients, our company and the community.


Our ability to think differently, our collaborative spirit, our client-centric solutions and our belief that great minds don’t always have to think alike, is what sets us apart.


Below is a list of our executive members

NameBoard RelationshipsTitleAge
James FormbyNo RelationshipsChief Executive Officer
Derek Neil Prout-Jones BCom, BAcc, CA(SA)9 RelationshipsChief Financial Officer and Director55
L-P Collet5 RelationshipsChief Operating Officer and Director
Ketan Manecklal Gordhan10RelationshipsExecutive Director56
Peter Hayward-Butt BSc, MScNo RelationshipsCo-Head of Investment Banking46
Martin KeyserNo RelationshipsChief Executive Officer of Rand Merchant Bank Investment Banking

Rand Merchant Bank INSIDERS ON Board Members

Name (Connections)RelationshipsTitleAge
Derek Prout-Jones BCom, BAcc, CA(SA)9RelationshipsChief Financial Officer and Director55
L-P Collet5RelationshipsChief Operating Officer and Director
Ketan Gordhan10RelationshipsExecutive Director56
Peter Gent5RelationshipsHead of Project Finance and Director

Other Board Members On Board Members

Name (Connections)RelationshipsType of Board MembersPrimary CompanyAge
Zelda Roscherr BSc (Maths), BCom (Hons)5RelationshipsMember of the Board of DirectorsRand Merchant Bank51
Cynthia Pongweni32RelationshipsMember of the Board of DirectorsMineworker’s Investment Company41